How to make the most of your freshman year from a fellow high school seniors perspective.
Many freshmen come into high school terrified of what is to come. Here are some tips to make your freshman year smooth sailing. While coming into a high school with a bunch of upperclassmen may be a scary situation, you need to make the best of it. Freshman year is to learn what interests you and give just about everything a chance. Join clubs, sports and extracurricular activities you may not have participated in before. Going to sporting events and sitting in the student section is a good way to meet new people of each grade.
High School can be scary but don’t let what other people say or do influence you. Make your own decisions. “The apple falls close to the tree” is a saying many have heard before, but never dissect the meaning of. If you hangout with friends who are making bad decisions, you are more likely to make bad decisions as well. Make sure you are surrounding yourself with people who have the same goals and motivations as you.
Enjoy the little moments that come with your first year of high school, even the embarrassing ones, because one day during your senior year you will look back and remember those moments and laugh about how oblivious you were as a freshman. Freshman year is truly what shapes the picture as to who you will be. Make a good first impression and show the side of you that you want everyone to see. Think of how you would want people to see you and try to pursue it. If you constantly try and change who you are to fit the people around you, then how will you become the person you want to be? Short answer: you won’t.
Long story short, your freshman year is an experiment to learn whether you are interested in the activities that are provided in high school and not middle school. Enjoy the little moments cause they truly do go by fast. Just be yourself and surround yourself with people who support you.